Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Amish Collection | Karen Bolesta (editor) | AMI-AM4 | 1996 |
Amish-Inspired QuiltsJT | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | AMI-AM7 | 2006 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Applique! Applique! Applique! | Laurene Sinema | APP-AP1 | 2004 |
Applique: The Basics & Beyond | Janet Pittman | APP-AP6 | 2006 |
Applique Delights | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | APP-AP14 | 2004 |
Applique Inside the Lines | Carol Armstrong | APP-AP17 | 2003 |
Autumn Splendor: Folk Art Quilts and Projects | Dawn Heese | APP-AU1 | 2014 |
Baltimore Beauties & Beyond Vol 1 | Elly Sienkiewicz | APP-BA1 | 1989 |
Baltimore Style Blocks | Irma Hatcher | APP-BA2 | 2001 |
Baltimore Basics: Album Quilts Start to Finish | Mimi Dietrich | APP-BA3 | 2006 |
Baltimore Album of Roses: Elegant Motifs to Mix & Match | Rita Verroca | APP-BA7 | 2015 |
Best in Show | Carol Armstrong | APP-BE4 | 2009 |
Botanical Wreaths | Laura Reinstatler | APP-BO1 | 1994 |
Bodacious Applique a la Carte | Margie Engel | APP-BO2 | 2008 |
Creative Quilts from Your Crayon Box | Terrie Kygar | APP-CR1 | 2012 |
Cutting Garden Quilts: Fabulous Fusible Flowers | Melinda Bula | APP-CU1 | 2007 |
Easy Applique Samplers | Mimi Dietrich | APP-EA2 | 2005 |
Fabric Mosaics | Terrece Beesley, Trice Boerens | APP-FA3 | 1999 |
Fabulous Flowers: Mini-Quilts in Dimensional Applique | Sharon Baker | APP-FA5 | 2005 |
Floral Applique | Nancy Pearson | APP-FL1 | 1994 |
Flowering Favorites | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | APP-FL2 | 2003 |
Flags of the American Revolution | Jan Patek | APP-FL3 | 2009 |
Folk Art Animals: 25 Fanciful Applique Designs | Janet Brandt | APP-FO1 | 1998 |
Fresh Flowers 3D Applique | Jean McCarley | APP-FR1 | 1998 |
Free-Style Quilts: A "No Rules" Approach | Susan Carlson | APP-FR2 | 2000 |
Garden of Applique | Peggy Waltman | APP-GA1 | 2007 |
Garden Nouveau Quilts | Vicky Lawrence | APP-GA3 | 2009 |
Give & Take Fabric Applique | Daphne Greig, Susan Mark | APP-GI1 | 2011 |
Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns & Design | Poakalani Serrao, John Serrao | APP-HA2 | 1999 |
Hand Applique | Mimi Deitrich | APP-HA3 | 1998 |
Impressionist Applique | Grace Errea, Meredith Osterfeld | APP-IM1 | 2012 |
Leaving Baltimore: A Prairie Album Quilt | Christina DeArmond, Eula Lang | APP-LE1 | 2010 |
Love to Machine Applique | Caroline Price | APP-LO1 | 2008 |
Mastering Machine Applique | Harriet Hargrave | APP-MA2 | 2001 |
Magic Vine Quilt | Eleanor Burns | APP-MA3 | 2007 |
Memories in Applique | Arlette Rose Gosieki | APP-ME1 | 1991 |
Mosaic Applique | Lorraine Carthew | APP-MO1 | 2007 |
My Family Reunion Quilt: A Sentimental Journey in Applique | Barbara Ann McCraw | APP-MY1 | 2017 |
Nature's Beauty in Applique: Pretty and Practical Projects | Susan Taylor Propst | APP-NA1 | 2012 |
New Applique Sampler | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | APP-NE1 | 2005 |
Needleturn Applique Made Easy | Robyn Pandolph | APP-NE2 | 2004 |
Orange Peel: New Quilts from an Old Favorite | Linda Lasco (editor) | APP-OR1 | 2011 |
Piec-lique: Curves the New Way | Sharon Schamber | APP-PI1 | 2005 |
Playful Petals: Learn Simple, Fusible Applique | Corey Yoder | APP-PL1 | 2014 |
Pretty Petals: More Fantastical Designs | Sheri Howard | APP-PR1 | 2012 |
Rose of Sharon Block Book | Sharon Pederson | APP-RO2 | 2010 |
Scrappy Bits Applique: Fast & Easy Fusible Quilts | Shannon Brinkley | APP-SC1 | 2014 |
Sew Easy Celtic | Angela Madden | APP-SE2 | 1993 |
Simply Successful Applique | Jeanne Sullivan | APP-SI1 | 2012 |
Simple Applique | Kim Diehl | APP-SI2 | 2015 |
Stars in the Garden | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | APP-ST1 | 1998 |
Stitch and Split Applique: Raw Edge Projects | Jayme Crow, Joan Segna | APP-ST2 | 2004 |
Three-Dimensional Applique and Embroidery Embellishment | Anita Shackelford | APP-TH1 | 1993 |
Two Hour Mini Quilt Projects | Kate McKenzie | APP-TW1 | 1997 |
Ultimate Sunbonnet Sue Collection | Heather Doyal | APP-UL1 | 2000 |
Wildflowers: Designs for Applique & Quilting | Carol Armstrong | APP-WI2 | 1998 |
Wool Applique Folk Art | Rebekah Smith | APP-WO2 | 2015 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
American Quilts: Celebrating 100 Years of the Art of Quilting | Mary Austin (editor) | COL-AM1 | 1999 |
America's Glorious Quilts | Dennis Duke (editor) | COL-AM2 | 1987 |
America from the Heart: Quilters Remember 9-11-01 | Karey Bresenham (curator) | COL-AM3 | 2002 |
Art Quilt Collection | Linda Seward | COL-AR1 | 2010 |
Art Takes Shape | Husqvarna | COL-AR2 | 2005 |
Art Meets Science | SAQA | COL-AR3 | 2010 |
Gallery of American Quilts: 1849-1988 Book 1 | American Quilter's Society | COL-GA1 | 1990 |
Gallery of American Quilts: 1860-1989 Book 2 | American Quilter's Society | COL-GA2 | 1988 |
Gallery of American Quilts: 1830-1991 Book 3 | American Quilter's Society | COL-GA3 | 1992 |
Masters Art Quilts | Martha Sielman | COL-MA2 | 2008 |
Quiltfolk Dogs | Teresa Duryea Wong, curator | COL-QU3 | 2023 |
The Ultimate Quilting Book | Maggi Gordon | COL-UL1 | 1999 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Color: The Quilter's Guide | Christine Barnes | CLR-CO2 | 1997 |
Color Confidence for Quilters | Jinny Beyer | CLR-CO3 | 1996 |
Color Play | Joen Wolfrom | CLR-CO4 | 2000 |
Color for the Terrified Quilter | Ionne McCauley, Sharon Pederson | CLR-CO5 | 2007 |
Color & Composition for the Creative Quilter | Katie Pasquini Masopust, Brett Barker | CLR-CO6 | 2005 |
Color Magic for Quilters | Ann Seely, Joyce Stewart | CLR-CO7 | 1997 |
Color Fusion: Fiberworks | Laura Heine | CLR-CO8 | 2001 |
Journey to Inspired Art Quilting | Jean Wells | CLR-JO1 | 2012 |
The Patchwork Pocket Palette: A Handy Visual Guide to Mixing and Matching Colored Fabrics | Anne Walker | CLR-PA1 | 1995 |
Quiltmaker's Color Workshop | Bill Kerr, Weeks Ringle | CLR-QU1 | 2006 |
Quilter's Color Club | Christine Barnes | CLR-QU3 | 2011 |
Splash of Color: A Rainbow of Brilliant Black-and-White Quilts | Jackie Kunkel | CLR-SP1 | 2015 |
Visual Coloring: A Foolproof Approach | Joen Wolfrom | CLR-VI1 | 2006 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Brilliant Bags | Deena Beverly | CRA-BR1 | 2006 |
Designer Style Handbags | Sherri Haab | CRA-DE1 | 2005 |
Embellishing with Felted Wool | Mary Stori | CRA-EM1 | 2008 |
Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Bowls | Linda Johansen | CRA-FA1 | 2004 |
Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Boxes | Linda Johansen | CRA-FA2 | 2004 |
Joyful Stitching: Transform Fabric with Improvisational Embroidery | Laura Wasilowski | CRA-JO1 | 2018 |
Kanzashi in Bloom: 20 Simple Fold-and-Sew Projects | Diane Gilleland | CRA-KA1 | 2009 |
Learn to Quilt-As-You-Go: 14 Projects You Can Finish Fast | Gudrun Erla | CRA-LE1 | 2015 |
101 Fun-To-Quilt Pot Holders | Trice Boerens | CRA-ON1 | 2007 |
Patchwork Puzzle Balls | Jinny Beyer | CRA-PA1 | 2005 |
Pillow Talk | Edyta Sitar | CRA-PI2 | 2019 |
Post Cards to Make and Mail | Cheryl Haynes, Barbara Cooley | CRA-PO1 | 2005 |
Quilt Designs for Postcards | Carol Mansfield | CRA-QU2 | 2005 |
Quilted Postcards | Cheryl Haynes, Barbara Cooley | CRA-QU3 | 2009 |
Simple, Fun & Quickly Done | Terry Atkinson | CRA-SI1 | 2017 |
Stitch Zakka | Gailen Runge (compiled) | CRA-ST2 | 2013 |
Tabletop Quilts: Best of Fons & Porter | Marianne Fons, Liz Porter | CRA-TA1 | 2010 |
Thimbles & Things: Handmade Treasures for All Who Love to Sew | Kumiko Sudo | CRA-TH1 | 2015 |
21 Sensational Patchwork Bags | Susan Briscoe | CRA-TW1 | 2006 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
The Art of Silk Ribbon Embroidery | Judith Baker Montano | CRZ-AR1 | 1993 |
Beaded Crazy Quilting | Cindy Gorder | CRZ-BE1 | 2005 |
Bead Embroidery: The Complete Guide (spiral) | Jane Davis | CRZ-BE2 | 2005 |
The Crazy Quilt Handbook Revised (2nd Ed) | Judith Baker Montano | CRZ-CR1 | 2001 |
Crazy Quilting | Christine Dabbs | CRZ-CR2 | 1998 |
Crazy Patchwork | Janet Haigh | CRZ-CR4 | 1998 |
Crazy With Cotton | Diana Leone | CRZ-CR5 | 1996 |
Crazy Quilting with Attitude | Barbara Randle | CRZ-CR8 | 2003 |
Embroidered & Embellished | Christen Brown | CRZ-EM1 | 2013 |
Embroidered Alphabets with Ribbon Embroidery | Di van Niekerk | CRZ-EM2 | 2009 |
Embroidered Flora & Fauna | Lesley Turpin-Delport, Nikki Delport-Wepener | CRZ-EM3 | 2008 |
Fabric Embellishing | Ruth Chandler, et al. | CRZ-FA1 | 2009 |
Foolproof Crazy Quilting | Jennifer Clouston | CRZ-FO1 | 2013 |
The Quilter's Directory of Embellishments | Sally Holman | CRZ-QU2 | 2006 |
Ribbonwork Flowers: 132 Garden Embellishments | Christen Brown | CRZ-RI1 | 2015 |
Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches | Carol Samples | CRZ-TR1 | 1999 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Bargello Quilts with a Twist | Nancy Zieman | DVD-BA2 | 2010 |
Free-Motion Machine Quilting for Beginners: Liberation from the Ditch | Helen Godden | DVD-FR1 | 2013 |
Grand Finale | Ricky Tims | DVD-GR1 | 2005 |
Longarm: Advanced Stipple | Sharon Schamber | DVD-LO2 | 2008 |
Longarm Basics: Series One: Continuous Line Designs (Quilter's Academy DVD) | DVD-LO4 | 2010 | |
Quilting Arts TV Series 500 (4 DVDs) | DVD-QU2 | 2010 | |
Sit-Down Longarm Quilting: Thread Work (Quilter's Academy DVD) | Debby Brown | DVD-SI3 | 2013 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Beautiful Foundation-Pieced Quilt Blocks | Mary Jo Hiney | FOU-BE1 | 1999 |
Creative Combinations (with CD) | Carol Doak | FOU-CR1 | 2013 |
Easy Machine Paper Piecing | Carol Doak | FOU-EA2 | 1994 |
50 Fabulous Paper-Pieced Stars (with CD) | Carol Doak | FOU-FI1 | 2000 |
40 Bright & Bold Paper Pieced Blocks | Carol Doak | FOU-FO1 | 2002 |
Foundation-Pieced Quilts: 14 Favorites | Quiltmaker Magazine | FOU-FO3 | 2011 |
Foundation Paper Pieced Stained Glass Quilts II | Liz Schwartz, Stephen Seifert | FOU-FO4 | 2004 |
Little Lone Star Quilts | Lorraine Olsen | FOU-LI1 | 2009 |
Loveable Animal Quilt Blocks | Linda Causee | FOU-LO1 | unk |
Mariner's Medallion Quilts | M'Liss Rae Hawley | FOU-MA1 | 2006 |
Mariner's Compass Quilts | Brenda Henning | FOU-MA2 | 2007 |
Needles & Notions, Paper Pieced | Jaynette Huff | FOU-NE1 | 2000 |
New English Paper Piecing: A Faster Approach to a Traditional | Sue Daley | FOU-NE2 | 2011 |
The New Hexagon: 52 Blocks to English Paper Piece | Katja Marek | FOU-NE3 | 2014 |
101 Log Cabin Blocks | Linda Causee | FOU-ON1 | 1997 |
101 Foundation Pieced Quilt Blocks | Linda Causee | FOU-ON2 | 1996 |
Paper-Pieced Curves | Jodie Davis | FOU-PA1 | 2000 |
Paper Piece the Quick-Strip Way | Peggy Martin | FOU-PA2 | 2007 |
Paper Piecing with Alex Anderson | Alex Anderson | FOU-PA5 | 2002 |
Perfect Blocks in Minutes | Anita Solomon | FOU-PE1 | 2004 |
Playful Little Paper-Pieced Projects | Tacha Bruecher (compiled) | FOU-PL1 | 2013 |
Quilter's Ark | Margaret Rolfe | FOU-QU1 | 1997 |
Quilt Mavens Perfect Paper Piecing (with CD-ROM) | Deb Karasik, Janet Mednick | FOU-QU2 | 2007 |
Quick and Easy Quilting | Jodie Davis, Linda Schiffer | FOU-QU3 | 1999 |
Simply Sensational 9-Patch Stars | Carol Doak | FOU-SI1 | 2005 |
Stitch & Flip | Valori Wells | FOU-ST1 | 2000 |
300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks | Carol Doak | FOU-TH5 | 2007 |
Wedding Ring Pickle Dish & More: Paper Piecing Curves | Beverly Maxvill | FOU-WE1 | 2009 |
A Year of Paper Piecing | Carolyn Cullinan McCormick | FOU-YE1 | 2008 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Fashion & Imagination | Bernina Books | GAR-FA2 | 2001 |
More Jazz | Judy Murrah | GAR-MO1 | 1996 |
True Style: Pieced Jackets with Distinctive Applique | Peggy True | GAR-TR1 | 1997 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Adding Layers: Color, Design & Imagination | Kathy Doughty | GEN-AD1 | 2014 |
Adventures with Leaders & Enders | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-AD2 | 2009 |
Adventures in Design | Joen Wolfrom | GEN-AD3 | 2011 |
Addicted to Scraps: 12 Vibrant Quilt Projects | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-AD4 | 2016 |
Advancing on II with the Square in a Square Technique (see GEN-BO3 spiral) | Jodi Barrows | GEN-AD5 | 2002 |
All-Star Quilts of Valor: 25 Patriotic Patterns | QOV Foundation | GEN-AL1 | 2022 |
All the Blocks Are Geese: Flying Geese – The Fast Way | Mary Sue Suit | GEN-AL2 | 2004 |
Antique Redwork Quilt No. 5 | Russell Moline | GEN-AN1 | 2000 |
Another Bite of Schnibbles: 24 Quilts from 5" or 10" Squares | Carrie Nelson | GEN-AN3 | 2011 |
Another Can of Worms | Debbie Caffrey | GEN-AN5 | 2006 |
Around the Block | Judy Hopkins | GEN-AR2 | 1994 |
Asian Elegance: Quilting with Japanese Fabrics and More | Kitty Pippen, Sylvia Pippen | GEN-AS2 | 2003 |
Batiks and Beyond | Laurie Shifrin | GEN-BA1 | 2003 |
Batik Beauties | Laurie Shifrin | GEN-BA2 | 2001 |
Baker's Dozen: 13 Kitchen Quilts from American Jane | Sandy Klop | GEN-BA4 | 2011 |
Banners for All Seasons | Joyce Pike, Anne Robinson | GEN-BA5 | 2001 |
Bargello Quilts with a Twist | Maggie Ball | GEN-BA6 | 2008 |
Bargello Hearts | Nancy Podolsky | GEN-BA7 | 1996 |
Batik Gems: 29 Dazzling Quilt Projects | Laurie Shifrin | GEN-BA8 | 2008 |
Beautifully Embellished Landscapes | Joyce Becker | GEN-BE4 | 2006 |
Best Loved Quilts | Debbie Mumm | GEN-BE8 | unk |
Best Loved Quilt Patterns | Carol Haygood (editor) | GEN-BE10 | 1987 |
Birdhouses for Every Season | Debbie Mumm | GEN-BI2 | 2001 |
Big Book of Quick Rotary Cutter Quilts | Pam Bono | GEN-BI3 | 2001 |
Big-Block Quilts by Magic | Nancy Johnson-Srebro | GEN-BI4 | 2006 |
Big Book of Scrap Quilts | Patricia Wilens | GEN-BI5 | 2005 |
Big and Easy | Judy Hopkins | GEN-BI6 | 2005 |
Big Blocks, Easy Quilts | Suzanne McNeill | GEN-BI7 | 2008 |
Birds & Bees & Butterflies Too | Camille Remme | GEN-BI8 | 1993 |
Big Book of Fat-Quarter Quilts | Martingale (edited) | GEN-BI9 | 2016 |
Big Book of Strip Quilts | Martingale (edited) | GEN-BI10 | 2017 |
Bits of Bargello | Karen Gibbs | GEN-BI11 | 2009 |
Block Book | Judy Martin | GEN-BL4 | 1998 |
Block Magic | Nancy Johnson-Srebro | GEN-BL5 | 2001 |
Block Party: The Modern Quilting Bee | Alissa Haight Carlton, Kristen Lejnieks | GEN-BL6 | 2011 |
Block Magic, Too! | Nancy Johnson-Srebro | GEN-BL7 | 2001 |
Book of Sampler Quilts | Dorothy Frager | GEN-BO1 | 1983 |
Borders by the Square (spiral) | Jodi Barrows | GEN-BO3 | 1998 |
Borders: Basics & Beyond | Jill Reber | GEN-BO4 | 2009 |
Borders & Finishing Touches | Bonnie Browning | GEN-BO5 | 2006 |
Cathedral Window Quilts | Lynne Edwards | GEN-CA1 | 2008 |
Casting Shadows | Collen Wise | GEN-CA2 | 2005 |
Candy Store and More: 1930s Quilts Made New | Kay Connors, Karen Earlywine | GEN-CA4 | 2014 |
Celtic Pieced Illusions | Karen Combs | GEN-CE1 | 2006 |
Celtic Quilting | Gail Lawther | GEN-CE2 | 2002 |
Celtic Quilts | Beth Ann Williams | GEN-CE3 | 2000 |
Celebrate the Seasons with Quilts | Traditional Quiltworks, Quilting Today | GEN-CE5 | 2001 |
Charming Colourwash Quilts | Karen Winfield | GEN-CH1 | 1999 |
Church Banner Designs | Joyce Bowers | GEN-CH3 | 2007 |
Circle Play | Reynola Pakusich | GEN-CI1 | 2004 |
Circle Pizzazz: 12 Vibrant Quilt Projects - Easy Curves | Judy Sisneros | GEN-CI2 | 2013 |
Circles of the East | Kumiko Sudo | GEN-CI3 | 1997 |
Civil War Legacies IV: 14 Time-Honored Quilts for Reproduction Fabrics | Carol Hopkins | GEN-CI4 | 2018 |
Clever Quarters | Susan Dissmore | GEN-CL2 | 2004 |
Clever Banners, Panels & Postcards | Mary Mayne | GEN-CL3 | 2006 |
Country Settings | Debbie Mumm | GEN-CO1 | 2000 |
Confetti Quilts | Mary Mashuta | GEN-CO3 | 2003 |
Combing Through Your Scraps | Karen Combs | GEN-CO4 | 2000 |
Convergence Quilts | Ricky Tims | GEN-CO5 | 2003 |
Collage Quilter: Essentials for Success with Collage Quilts | Emily Taylor | GEN-CO6 | 2019 |
Connecting Up | Mary Ellen Hopkins | GEN-CO8 | 1990 |
Colorwash Bargello Quilts | Beth Williams | GEN-CO12 | 2001 |
Connecting Up #4 | Mary Ellen Hopkins | GEN-CO22 | 1990 |
Crazy Curves Continues | Elisa Wilson | GEN-CR1 | 2009 |
Crowning Glories: Discover the Arrow Crown Block | Lerlene Nevaril | GEN-CR11 | 2005 |
Cups & Saucers | Maaike Bakker | GEN-CU1 | 2000 |
Cut-Loose Quilts: Stack, Slice, Switch, & Sew | Jan Mullen | GEN-CU2 | 2001 |
Cutting Curves from Straight Pieces | Debbie Bowles | GEN-CU3 | 2001 |
Cut the Scraps! | Joan Ford | GEN-CU5 | 2011 |
Curves in Motion | Judy Dales | GEN-CU7 | 1998 |
Czecherboard Quilts | Rose Ann Cook | GEN-CZ1 | 2012 |
Daddy's Ties | Shirley Botsford | GEN-DA1 | 1994 |
Dazzling Quilts: Easy Glitz, Instant Glamour | Pamela Mostek | GEN-DA2 | 2006 |
Design Art Deco Quilts | Don Linn | GEN-DE1 | 2010 |
Distinctive Dresdens | Katja Marek | GEN-DI1 | 2017 |
Did Someone Say Cake? | Lissa Alexander (compiled), Moda Bake Shop | GEN-DI3 | 2022 |
Diamonds by the Square (see GEN-BO3 spiral) | Jodi Barrows | GEN-DI4 | 2002 |
Double Vision Quilts | Louisa Smith | GEN-DO1 | 2016 |
The Double Wide Dresden Book | Barbara Groves, Mary Jacobson | GEN-DO2 | 2016 |
Double Take: Quilts with That Hopscotch Twist | Heather Willms, Elissa Willms | GEN-DO3 | 2010 |
Dresden Flower Garden: A New Twist on Two Quilt Classics | Blanche Young, Lynette Bingham | GEN-DR1 | 2003 |
Dynamic Dresdens | Susan Cleveland | GEN-DY1 | 2019 |
Easy Quilting with Denim | Pearl Louise Krush | GEN-EA1 | 2004 |
Easy Layer-Cake Quilts | Barbara Groves, Mary Jacobson | GEN-EA2 | 2017 |
East Quilts West | Kumiko Sudo | GEN-EA6 | 1996 |
Easy Bias-Covered Curves | Wendy Hill | GEN-EA7 | 2006 |
Easy & Elegant Lone Star Quilts | Shirley Stutz | GEN-EA8 | 2005 |
Everyday Embellishments | M'liss Rae Hawley | GEN-EV2 | 2003 |
Fat Quarter Workshop: 12 Skill-Building Quilt Patterns | Stephanie Soebbing | GEN-FA1 | 2020 |
Fat Quarter Quilts | M'liss Rae Hawley | GEN-FA2 | 1999 |
Fast Folded Flowers | Laura Farson | GEN-FA3 | 2001 |
Fabled Flowers | Kumiko Sudo | GEN-FA6 | 1996 |
Fast-Forward Your Quilting | Dina Pappas | GEN-FA7 | 2004 |
Fantastic Fabric Folding | Rebecca Wat | GEN-FA8 | 2000 |
Fantasy Fabrics: Technique for Layered Surface Design | Bonnie McCaffrey | GEN-FA9 | 1999 |
Fat Quarter Winners | Monique Dillard | GEN-FA12 | 2011 |
Fabulous T-Shirt Quilts | Caryl Schuetz | GEN-FA18 | 2007 |
Fat Quarter Friendly | Fons & Porter | GEN-FA19 | 2000 |
Fibreart Montage: Combining Quilting, Embroidery and Photography | Judith Baker Montana | GEN-FI2 | 2009 |
Flowers of the Bible: Quilting | Helga Curtis | GEN-FL1 | 2003 |
Flannel Quilts | Sandy Bonsib | GEN-FL2 | 2001 |
Floral Illusions | Karen Combs | GEN-FL4 | 2003 |
Flip & Fuse Quilts | Marcia Harmening | GEN-FL5 | 2015 |
Flip Your Way to Fabulous Quilts | Donna Thomas | GEN-FL6 | 2011 |
Focus on Batiks | Jan Smiley | GEN-FO1 | 2004 |
Folded Log Cabin Quilts | Sarah Kaufman | GEN-FO2 | 2010 |
Foolproof Curves | Barbara Barber | GEN-FO3 | 2004 |
Folded Flowers | Kumiko Sudo | GEN-FO4 | 2002 |
Fractured Landscape Quilts | Katie Pasquini Masopast | GEN-FR1 | 1996 |
Free Expression | Robbie Eklow | GEN-FR3 | 2005 |
Free Spirit | Gerry Kimmel, Linda Brannock | GEN-FR4 | 1992 |
French Braid Obsession | Jane Hardy Miller | GEN-FR7 | 2009 |
Fresh Pineapple Possibilities | Jane Hall, Dixie Haywood | GEN-FR8 | 2013 |
Fresh Look at Seasonal Quilts | Julie Popa | GEN-FR9 | 2006 |
A Fresh Twist on Fabric Folding | Rebecca Wat | GEN-FR10 | 2006 |
Friendship Blocks: New Settings for Sentimental Favorites | Marge Edie | GEN-FR11 | 2001 |
Fussy Cutters Club | Angie Wilson | GEN-FU1 | 2017 |
Great Patchwork Stars & Stripes | Better Homes & Gardens | GEN-GR2 | 1994 |
Hawaiian Quilting | Elizabeth Root | GEN-HA5 | 1989 |
Hexagon Magic | Janet Elwin | GEN-HE2 | 1986 |
Hexa-Go-Go | Tacha Bruecher | GEN-HE4 | 2012 |
Hexagons Made Easy: Machine Techniques for Exceptional Quilts | Jen Eskridge | GEN-HE5 | 2013 |
Home Sweet Home | Barb Adams, Alma Allen | GEN-HO1 | 2005 |
Homestyle Quilts | Kim Diehl, Lauire Baker | GEN-HO2 | 2012 |
Houses of Cloth | Wendy Etzel | GEN-HO3 | 1994 |
Hunter Star Quilts & Beyond | Jan Krentz | GEN-HU1 | 2003 |
I Love Precut Quilts! | Tricia Maloney | GEN-IL1 | 2016 |
It's Not Just a Cover-up | Pam Bono | GEN-IT1 | 2004 |
Japanese Inspirations | Janet Haigh | GEN-JA1 | 2000 |
Japanese Quilting Piece By Piece | Yoko Saito | GEN-JA2 | 2012 |
Japanese Quilt Blocks to Mix & Match | Susan Briscoe | GEN-JA3 | 2007 |
Jelly Roll Quilts & More | Kimberly Einmo | GEN-JE1 | 2009 |
Jelly Roll Quilts | Pam Lintott, Nicky Lintott | GEN-JE2 | 2008 |
Jelly Roll Inspirations | Pam Lintott (compiled), Nicky Lintott (compiled) | GEN-JE3 | 2009 |
Jelly Filled: 18 Quilts from 2½" Strips | Vanessa Goertzen | GEN-JE4 | 2019 |
Jelly Roll Bargello Quilts | Karin Hellaby | GEN-JE5 | 2018 |
Journey of an Art Quilter | Barbara Olson | GEN-JO3 | 2004 |
Just Desserts: Quick Quilts Using Precut Fabrics | Edie McGinnis | GEN-JU2 | 2009 |
Kaleidoscope Quilts: An Artist's Journey Continues | Paula Nadelstern | GEN-KA1 | 2008 |
Karen K Stone Quilts | Karen Stone | GEN-KA2 | 2004 |
Kaleidoscope of Quilts | Kaffe Fassett | GEN-KA3 | 2006 |
Kaleidoscope Quilts, The Workbook | Paula Nadelstern | GEN-KA4 | 2010 |
Kaffe Fassett's Museum Quilts | Kaffe Fassett, Liza Prior Lucy | GEN-KA5 | 2005 |
Kaffe Fassett's Caravan of Quilts | Kaffe Fassett, et al. | GEN-KA6 | 2004 |
Kaffe Fassett's Quilt Road | Kaffe Fassett, et al. | GEN-KA7 | 2005 |
Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts | Pam Lintott, Nicky Lintott | GEN-LA3 | 2009 |
Learn to Quilt | Sharon Chambers | GEN-LE1 | 2015 |
Learn to do Redwork | Bobbie Matela (editor) | GEN-LE3 | 1999 |
Little Book of Little Quilts | Katherine Guerrier | GEN-LI2 | 1998 |
Lickety-Split Quilts | Laurie Bevan | GEN-LI8 | 2004 |
Loose Change: Quilts from Nickels, Dimes, and Fat Quarters | Claudia Plett, Le Ann Weaver | GEN-LO1 | 2008 |
Lone Star Quilts & Beyond | Jan Krentz | GEN-LO2 | 2001 |
Log Cabin with a Twist | Barbara Kaempfer | GEN-LO6 | 1995 |
Luscious Landscapes | Joyce Becker | GEN-LU1 | 2003 |
Luminescent Banner Designs | Marie Koehlinger | GEN-LU2 | 1998 |
Make a Quilt in a Day: Log Cabin Pattern | Eleanor Burns | GEN-MA3 | 2000 |
Mariner's Compass Quilts: Setting a New Course | Judy Mathieson | GEN-MA4 | 2005 |
Machine Stitched Cathedral Stars | Shelly Swanland | GEN-MA5 | 2001 |
Mariner's Compass Quilts: New Directions | Judy Mathieson | GEN-MA6 | 1995 |
Memory Quilts in the Making | Rhonda Richards (editor) | GEN-ME3 | 1999 |
Me and My Sister's Fun Quilts: 9 Color-Splashed Designs | Barbara Groves, Mary Jacobson | GEN-ME4 | 2006 |
Mile a Minute Quilts | Sharon Hultgren | GEN-MI3 | 2005 |
Minimal Quiltmaking | Gwen Marston | GEN-MI4 | 2014 |
More Loose Change: 14 Quilts from Nickels, Dimes, and Fat Quarters | Claudia Plett, Le Ann Weaver | GEN-MO3 | 2010 |
Modern Roots: Today's Quilts from Yesterday's Inspiration | Bill Volckening | GEN-MO4 | 2016 |
Modern Selvage Quilting | Riel Nason | GEN-MO5 | 2016 |
More Strip-pieced Watercolor Magic | Deanna Spingola | GEN-MO7 | 1997 |
More Reversible Quilts | Sharon Pederson | GEN-MO8 | 2004 |
More Nickel Quilts | Pat Speth | GEN-MO9 | 2004 |
More Adventures with Leaders & Enders | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-MO12 | 2014 |
More Quilts from the Quiltmakers Gift | Johanne Line | GEN-MO13 | 2003 |
More Take 5 Quilts | Kathy Brown | GEN-MO14 | 2012 |
Moda All-Stars All in a Row: 24 Row-by-Row Quilt Designs | Lissa Alexander (compiled) | GEN-MO15 | 2015 |
Moda All-Stars All in a Row Again: 23 Row-by-Row Quilt Designs | Lissa Alexander (compiled) | GEN-MO16 | 2017 |
A New Turn on Drunkard's Path | Mary Sue Suit | GEN-NE2 | 2002 |
New Slant on Bargello Quilts | Margie Edie | GEN-NE5 | 1998 |
New Cuts for New Quilts | Karla Alexander | GEN-NE6 | 2006 |
Nickel Quilts | Pat Speth, Charlene Thode | GEN-NI1 | 2002 |
Nine Patch & Snowball Quilts | Elsie Campbell | GEN-NI3 | 2003 |
One-Block Wonders Encore! | Maxine Rosenthal, Joy Pelzmann | GEN-ON1 | 2008 |
101 Nine Patch Quilts | Marti Michell | GEN-ON2 | 2000 |
One-Block Wonders | Maxine Rosenthal | GEN-ON3 | 2005 |
101 Made to Fit Quilts for Your Home | Jeanne Stauffer (editor) | GEN-ON4 | 2000 |
Op-Art Quilts: Fun, Fast, & Fabulous 3-D Illusions | Marilyn Doheny | GEN-OP2 | 1996 |
Origami Quilts | Louise Mabbs | GEN-OR1 | 2006 |
Orphan Quilt Blocks | Tricia Lynn Maloney | GEN-OR2 | 2010 |
Pairing Up: 2 Block Quilts | Nancy Mahoney | GEN-PA2 | 2003 |
Patchwork Persuasion | Joen Wolfrom | GEN-PA3 | 1997 |
Patchwork Showcase | Nancy Mahoney | GEN-PA4 | 2004 |
A Passion for Piecing | Claudia Clark Myers | GEN-PA5 | 2009 |
Patchwork: Comforters, Throws & Quilts | Jeanne Stauffer, edited, Sandra Hatch, edited | GEN-PA9 | 2010 |
Perfect Union of Patchwork & Applique | Darlene Christopherson | GEN-PE1 | 2003 |
Personal Imagery in Art Quilts | Erika Carter | GEN-PE3 | 1996 |
Perfect Quilts for Precut Fabrics | Martingale | GEN-PE4 | 2014 |
Perfect-Fit Pieced Borders | Sheila Sinclair Snyder | GEN-PE5 | 2011 |
A Piece of Cake: Sweet and Simple Quilts from Layer Cake Squares | Peta Peace | GEN-PI1 | 2017 |
Pieced to Fit: Instant Quilt Borders | Sheila Snyder | GEN-PI5 | 2004 |
Piece n Play Quilts | Judy Martin | GEN-PI6 | 2002 |
Picture Piecing | Cynthia England | GEN-PI7 | 2002 |
Piping Hot Curves | Susan Cleveland | GEN-PI8 | 2007 |
Pieces of Baltimore | Pam Bono | GEN-PI9 | 2004 |
Pictorial Quilting | Maggi Gordon | GEN-PI10 | 2000 |
Pieced Curves So Simple | Dale Fleming | GEN-PI12 | 2005 |
Piecing: Expanding the Basics | Ruth McDowell | GEN-PI13 | 1998 |
Pioneer Sampler (Quilt in a Day) | Eleanor Burns | GEN-PI14 | 1993 |
Piecing the Piece O' Cake Way: A Visual Guide to Making Patchwork Quilts | Linda Jenkins, Becky Goldsmith | GEN-PI15 | 2016 |
Piece and Quilt with Precuts | Christa Watson | GEN-PI16 | 2017 |
Plaids & Stripes: The Use of Directional Fabric in Quilts | Roberta Horton | GEN-PL1 | 1990 |
Precision & Panache | Susan Cleveland | GEN-PR4 | 2007 |
The Practical Guide to Patchwork | Elizabeth Hartman | GEN-PR5 | 2010 |
Precut Bonanza | Kimberly Einmo | GEN-PR6 | 2012 |
The Quilted Cross | J Michelle Watts | GEN-QU1 | 2003 |
Quick Watercolor Quilts | Dina Pappas | GEN-QU4 | 1999 |
Quilter's Favorites | C&T Editors | GEN-QU5 | 2009 |
Quilting in the Limelight | Philippa Naylor | GEN-QU7 | 2008 |
Quilts of Valor: A 50 State Salute | QOV Foundation | GEN-QU8 | 2018 |
Quilted Celebrations | Amanda Murphy | GEN-QU9 | 2015 |
Quilting Through the Year | Debbie Mumm | GEN-QU11 | 2002 |
Quilted Symphony | Gloria Loughman | GEN-QU12 | 2010 |
Quilting Up a Storm | Lydia Quigley | GEN-QU13 | 1996 |
Quilting for People Who Still Don't Have Time to Quilt | Marti Michell | GEN-QU14 | 1998 |
Quilts from The Quiltmaker's Gift | Joanne Larsen Line, Nancy Loving Tubesing | GEN-QU15 | 2000 |
Quilting More Memories | Sandy Bonsib | GEN-QU16 | 2001 |
Quiltmaking by Hand | Jinny Beyer | GEN-QU18 | 2004 |
Quilt Lovely | Jen Kingwell | GEN-QU19 | 2015 |
Quick & Easy Banner Designs | Carol Jean Harms | GEN-QU21 | 1996 |
Quilts for Scrap Lovers | Judy Gauthier | GEN-QU22 | 2016 |
Quick & Easy Charity Quilts | Annie's Quilting | GEN-QU23 | 2018 |
Quilt-Lovers' Favorites Vol. 2 | Better Homes & Gardens | GEN-QU24 | 2002 |
Quilts of a Different Color | Irena Bluhm | GEN-QU25 | 2008 |
Quilting Simplified | Choly Knight | GEN-QU26 | 2015 |
Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern | Jera Brandvig | GEN-QU29 | 2015 |
Quilts a la Carte | Pam Bono Designs | GEN-QU31 | 2002 |
Quilts of the Southwest | J Michelle Watts | GEN-QU32 | 2005 |
Quilted Landscapes | Joan Blalock | GEN-QU36 | 1996 |
Quilt Recipes | Jen Kingwell | GEN-QU40 | 2021 |
Quilt Lovers Favorites Vol 4 | Better Homes & Gardens | GEN-QU42 | 2004 |
Quick Change Quilts | Teri Nussbaum | GEN-QU43 | 2002 |
Quilts of Love and Valor: Reproduction Quilts | Becky Wright | GEN-QU46 | 2019 |
Quilting with Precuts and Shortcuts | Terry Martin | GEN-QU47 | 2010 |
Quilts, Quilts, and More Quilts! | Diana McClun, Laura Nownes | GEN-QU48 | 1993 |
Quick Star Quilts & Beyond | Jan Krentz | GEN-QU50 | 2009 |
Quick & Easy Scrap Quilting | Jeanne Stauffer (editor) | GEN-QU55 | 2000 |
Quilts en Provence | Kaffe Fassett | GEN-QU60 | 2010 |
Quilts in Ireland | Kaffe Fassett | GEN-QU62 | 2017 |
Quilts in Italy | Kaffe Fassett | GEN-QU63 | 2016 |
Quilt Art: Color Your Quilts | Trish Stuart | GEN-QU64 | 2002 |
Quilt Grandeur | Kaffe Fassett | GEN-QU65 | 2013 |
Quilting | Jenni Dobson | GEN-QU66 | 2005 |
Quick Creative Quilting | Jeanne Stauffer (editor) | GEN-QU67 | 2000 |
Quilts Galore! | Diana McClun, Laura Knowles | GEN-QU70 | 1990 |
Quilts from the Quiltmakers Gift | Joanne Line, Nancy Tubesing | GEN-QU72 | 2001 |
Quilt Revival: Updated Patterns of the '30s | Nancy Mahoney | GEN-QU73 | 2006 |
Quilt & Embellish in One Step | Linda Potter | GEN-QU74 | 2004 |
Quilters Think Pink | House of White Birches | GEN-QU78 | unk |
Quilted Memories: Celebrations of Life | Mary Lou Weidman | GEN-QU79 | 2001 |
Quilt Africa | Jenny Williamson, Pat Parker | GEN-QU80 | 2004 |
Quick Cozy Flannel Quilts | Rhonda Richards (editor) | GEN-QU82 | 1999 |
Quick Quilts Using Quick Bias | Gretchen Hudock | GEN-QU84 | unk |
The Quilter's Home: Fall | Lois Fletcher | GEN-QU86 | 2002 |
Quilting Makes the Quilt | Lee Cleland | GEN-QU88 | 1994 |
Quilting Modern: Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts | Jacquie Gering, Katie Pedersen | GEN-QU89 | 2012 |
Radiant Landscapes | Gloria Loughman | GEN-RA1 | 2013 |
Ragged Edge Flowers | Laura Farson | GEN-RA2 | 2002 |
Return to Elm Creek | Jennifer Chiaverenni | GEN-RE1 | 2004 |
Reasons for Quilts (with CD) | Edyta Sitar | GEN-RE2 | 2011 |
Red, White, and Sometimes Blue: Classics from | McCall's Quilting | GEN-RE3 | 2011 |
Rhapsody Quilts | Ricky Tims | GEN-RH2 | 2007 |
Rotary Cutting Revolution | Anita Solomon | GEN-RO1 | 2010 |
Row by Row | Terry Martin | GEN-RO5 | 2000 |
Rotary Cutting with Alex Anderson | Alex Anderson | GEN-RO6 | 1999 |
Save the Scraps: Great Quilts from Small Bits | Gayle Bong | GEN-SA3 | 2005 |
Scatter Garden Quilts | Pamela Mostek | GEN-SC4 | 2005 |
Scrap Quilts: Fast and Fun | Patricia Welens | GEN-SC5 | 1997 |
Scrap Quilts: Quick & Easy | Patricia Welens (editor) | GEN-SC7 | 1995 |
Scraps | Judy Martin | GEN-SC8 | 2006 |
Scrap-basket Surprises | Kim Brackett | GEN-SC9 | 2009 |
Scrappy Duos: Color Recipes for Quilt Blocks | Donna Lynn Thomas | GEN-SC10 | 2000 |
Scallops Sew Easy | Marie Seroskie | GEN-SC11 | 2007 |
Scraps & Shirttails | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-SC14 | 2008 |
Scraps & Shirttails II | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-SC15 | 2010 |
Scraps, Inc: Vol 2 | Susanne Woods (compiled) | GEN-SC18 | 2015 |
Scrap Quilt Sensation | Katharine Guerrier | GEN-SC20 | 2007 |
Scrap Quilts: Best of Fons and Porter | Marianne Fons, Liz Porter | GEN-SC21 | 2010 |
Scrap Frenzy | Sally Schneider | GEN-SC22 | 2001 |
Seasons | Debbie Mumm | GEN-SE1 | unk |
Second Quilter's Companion | Dolores Hinson | GEN-SE5 | 1981 |
75 Fun Fat-Quarter Quilts | Roxane Cerda (compiled) | GEN-SE9 | 2015 |
Shadow Redwork with Alex Anderson | Alex Anderson | GEN-SH3 | 2001 |
Shoreline Quilts | Cyndy Rymer | GEN-SH5 | 2003 |
Simple Strategies for Block Swap Quilts | Lynn Roddy Brown | GEN-SI3 | 2009 |
Simple Strategies for Scrap Quilts | Lynn Roddy Brown | GEN-SI5 | 2006 |
Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts | RaNae Merrill | GEN-SI6 | 2008 |
Simple Stained Glass Quilts | Daphne Greig, Susan Purney Mark | GEN-SI7 | 2008 |
Simple Traditions: 14 Quilts to Warm Your Home | Kim Diehl | GEN-SI9 | 2006 |
Simple Appeal: 14 Patchwork and Applique Projects | Kim Diehl | GEN-SI10 | 2014 |
Simplify: Use Pre-Cut Jelly Rolls, Charm Packs, Fat Quarters | Camille Roskelley | GEN-SI11 | 2010 |
Simple Harvest: A Bounty of Scrappy Quilts and More | Kim Diehl | GEN-SI12 | 2017 |
Simple Comforts: 12 Cozy Lap Quilts | Kim Diehl | GEN-SI13 | 2009 |
Soft-Edge Piecing | Jinny Beyer | GEN-SO1 | 1995 |
Soulful Art of African-American Quilts | Sonie Ruffin | GEN-SO4 | 2007 |
Spectacular String Pieced Quilts | Chitra Publications | GEN-SP3 | 2000 |
Spinning Pinwheel Quilts | Sara Moe | GEN-SP5 | 2007 |
Square Deal: Easy Quilts from Squares and Rectangles | Nancy Mahoney | GEN-SQ1 | 2007 |
Square Dance: Fancy Quilts from Plain Squares (Rev ed) | Martha Thompson | GEN-SQ2 | 2005 |
Stash Buster Quilts | Lynne Edwards | GEN-ST3 | 2006 |
Stellar Journeys | Gail Garber | GEN-ST4 | 2001 |
Strips & Strings: 16 Sparkling Quilts | Evelyn Sloppy | GEN-ST5 | 2003 |
Start Quilting with Alex Anderson | Alex Anderson | GEN-ST6 | 2001 |
Stars Unlimited | Dereck Lockwood | GEN-ST7 | 2011 |
Stack a New Deck | Karla Alexander | GEN-ST8 | 2004 |
Strips That Sizzle | Margaret Miller | GEN-ST9 | 1992 |
Strip-Smart Quilts: 16 Designs from One Easy Technique | Kathy Brown | GEN-ST10 | 2011 |
Strips and Curves | Louisa Smith | GEN-ST12 | 2007 |
String Quilts | Elsie Campbell | GEN-ST13 | 2009 |
Stack-n-Whackipedia | Bethany Reynolds | GEN-ST14 | 2008 |
String Frenzy: Strips, Strings & Scrappy Things! | Bonnie Hunter | GEN-ST15 | 2018 |
Still Stripping after 25 Years | Eleanor Burns | GEN-ST16 | 2003 |
Stashtastic! 12 Patterns for Fat-Quarter Quilts | Doug Leko | GEN-ST17 | 2017 |
Strip Your Stash | Gudrun Erla | GEN-ST18 | 2015 |
Stash with Splash Quilts | Cindy Casciato | GEN-ST21 | 2010 |
Striking Strip Quilts: 16 Amazing Patterns for 2½"-Strip Lovers | Kate Henderson | GEN-ST22 | 2016 |
String Quilt Revival (includes Create with Nancy [Zieman] DVD) | Virginia Baker, Barbara Sanders | GEN-ST24 | 2011 |
Strip Quilt Secrets | Diane Knott | GEN-ST25 | 2018 |
Supersize 'Em | Debby Kratovil | GEN-SU2 | 2009 |
Successful Scrap Quilts from Simple Rectangles | Judy Turner, Margaret Rolfe | GEN-SU5 | 2002 |
Sweet Celebrations with the Moda Bake Shop Chefs | Lissa Alexander (editor) | GEN-SW1 | 2012 |
Symbols of Faith: 44 Quilt Blocks | Linda Causee | GEN-SY1 | 2002 |
Terrific T-Shirt Quilts | Karen Burns (compiled) | GEN-TE1 | 2016 |
Terrific Tees: I Can't Believe It's a T-Shirt Quilt | Roberta De Luz | GEN-TE6 | 2008 |
Thimbleberries Big Book of Quilt Blocks | Lynette Jensen | GEN-TH3 | 2005 |
Thimbleberries Housewarming | Lynette Jenson | GEN-TH8 | 2000 |
Time Crunch Quilts | Nancy Martin | GEN-TI1 | 2000 |
Timeless Patterns for Today's Quilter | Kent Ward | GEN-TI2 | 1997 |
Totally Tubular Quilts | Rita Hutchens | GEN-TO1 | 2003 |
Toppers 2 | Lynda Milligan, Nancy Smith | GEN-TO2 | 2003 |
Transparency Quilts | Weeks Ringle, Bill Kerr | GEN-TR2 | 2011 |
Triangle Tricks | Martingale Publishing | GEN-TR3 | 2003 |
Trip to Ireland | Elizabeth Hamby Carlson | GEN-TR4 | 2002 |
Tree of Life Quilts | Trisch Price | GEN-TR6 | 2015 |
Traditional Quilts with a Twist | Maggie Ball | GEN-TR8 | 2006 |
Twosey Foursey Quilts | Cathy Wierzbickt | GEN-TW1 | 2006 |
Two Block Theme Quilts | Claudia Olson | GEN-TW2 | 2006 |
Victory Quilts: 1940 Sampler Quilts | Eleanor Burns | GEN-VI2 | 2008 |
The Visual Dance: Creating Spectacular Quilts | Joen Wolfrom | GEN-VI4 | 1995 |
Vintage Quilt Revival: 22 Modern Designs from Classic Blocks | Katie Clark Blakesley, et al. | GEN-VI5 | 2013 |
Watercolor Impressions | Pat Magaret, Donna Slusser | GEN-WA1 | 1995 |
Watercolor Log Cabin Quilts | Terry Johnson-Huhta (editor) | GEN-WA3 | 1996 |
Wedgeworks | Cheryl Phillips | GEN-WE3 | 1997 |
Weekend Quilts | Judy Laquidara | GEN-WE7 | 2010 |
Weekend Quilter | Rosemary Wilkinson (editor) | GEN-WE8 | 1997 |
Welcome to My Cabin | Nancy Smith, Lynda Milligan | GEN-WE9 | 2003 |
Whip Up Mini Quilts | Kathreen Ricketson | GEN-WH1 | 2010 |
Wheel of Mystery Quilts | Helen Marshall | GEN-WH2 | 2006 |
Winding Ways Quilts: A Practically Pinless Approach | Nancy Elliott MacDonald | GEN-WI2 | 2004 |
Women of Taste | Jen Bilik (editor) | GEN-WO1 | 1999 |
Wonderful One-patch Quilts | Sara Nephew, Marci Baker | GEN-WO2 | 2017 |
Wonderful One Fabric Quilts | Kay Nickols | GEN-WO6 | 2007 |
Year of Wall Quilts | Leisure Arts | GEN-YE1 | 1997 |
Yesterday's Charm | Jo Morton | GEN-YE2 | 2008 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
American Quilt: A History of Cloth & Comfort 1750-1950 | Roderick Kiracofe | HIS-AM2 | 1993 |
America's Quilts and Coverlets | Carleton Safford, Robert Bishop | HIS-AM3 | 1985 |
America's Printed Fabrics 1770-1890 | Barbara Brackman | HIS-AM4 | 2004 |
Anonymous Was A Woman | Mira Bank | HIS-AN1 | 1979 |
A Child's Comfort | Bruce Johnson | HIS-CH1 | |
Civil War Diary Quilt | Rosemary Youngs | HIS-CI1 | 2005 |
Communion of the Spirits | Roland Freeman | HIS-CO1 | 1990 |
Fancy to Frugal: Authentic Quilt Patterns from the '30s | Kay Connors, Karen Earlywine | HIS-FA1 | 2010 |
Facts & Fabrications: Unraveling the History of Quilts & Slavery | Barbara Brackman | HIS-FA2 | 2006 |
Forget Me Not (Album Quilts) | Jane Kolter | HIS-FO1 | 1985 |
Fun Fabrics of the 50's | Joy Shih | HIS-FU1 | 1996 |
Gathered in Time: Utah Quilts and Their Makers, Settlement to 1950 | Kae Covington | HIS-GA1 | 1997 |
Gone to Texas: Quilts from a Pioneer Woman's Journal | Betsy Chutchian | HIS-GO1 | 2009 |
Grandma's Best Full-Size Quilt Blocks | Better Homes & Gardens | HIS-GR1 | 2002 |
Hawaiian Quilts | Stella Jones | HIS-HA1 | 1973 |
Legacy: The Story of Talula Gilbert Bottoms and Her Quilts | Nancilu Burdick | HIS-LE1 | 1988 |
Making History: Quilts & Fabric from 1890-1970 | Barbara Brackman | HIS-MA1 | 2008 |
Mountain Artisans Quilting Book | Alfred Lewis | HIS-MO1 | 1973 |
Northwest Pennsylvania Quilts | Marianne Woods (editor) | HIS-NO1 | 1997 |
Pieces of the Past | Nancy Martin | HIS-PI1 | 1986 |
Quilts, An American Heritage | Terri Zegart | HIS-QU1 | 1994 |
Quilt That Walked to Golden | Sandra Dallas | HIS-QU2 | 2004 |
Quilters, Women & Domestic Art, An Oral History | Patricia Cooper, Norma Buferd | HIS-QU3 | 1977 |
Quilts in Everyday Life, 1855-1955 | Janet Finley | HIS-QU4 | 2014 |
Remember Me: Women & Their Friendship Quilts | Linda Lipsett | HIS-RE1 | 1985 |
Soft Cover for Hard Times: Quiltmaking & the Great Depression | Merikay Waldvogel | HIS-SO1 | 1990 |
Southern Quilts: Surviving Relics of the Civil War | Bets Ramsey, Merikay Waldvogel | HIS-SO2 | 1998 |
Texas Quilts, Texas Women | Suzanne Yabsley | HIS-TE1 | 1984 |
This Old Quilt | Margret Aldrich | HIS-TH1 | 2001 |
Time-Span Quilts: New Quilts from Old Tops | Becky Herdle | HIS-TI1 | 1994 |
Treasury of American Quilts | Cyril Nelson, Carter Houck | HIS-TR1 | 1982 |
Treasures in the Trunk | Mary Cross | HIS-TR2 | 1993 |
Victory Girls: Patriotic Quilts and Rugs of WWII | Polly Minick, Laurie Simpson | HIS-VI1 | 2011 |
Women of Design: Quilts in the Newspaper 1928-1961 | Barbara Brackman | HIS-WO1 | 2004 |
Women and Their Quilts: A Washington State Centennial Tribute | NancyAnn Johanson Twelker | HIS-WO2 | 1988 |
Wrapped in Glory: Figurative Quilts & Bedcovers 1700-1900 | Sandi Fox | HIS-WR1 | 1990 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Christmas is Coming: Applique Quilt Patterns to Celebrate the Season | Cheryl Almgren Taylor | HOL-CH3 | 2013 |
Christmas Traditions Quilt | Wendy Gilbert | HOL-CH6 | 1992 |
Christmas with Possibilities | Lynda Milligan, Nancy Smith | HOL-CH8 | 2010 |
Comfort and Joy | Mary Hickey | HOL-CO3 | |
Debbie Mumm's Home Comings | Debbie Mumm | HOL-DE1 | 2009 |
Easy and Fun Christmas Quilts | Eileen Westfall | HOL-EA1 | 2000 |
4 Seasons of Fleece | Javier Finwall, Clements Finwall | HOL-FO1 | 2004 |
Holly Jolly Christmas Quilting | Jeanne Stauffer, Sandra Hatch | HOL-HO2 | 2007 |
A Merry Christmas: 27 Festive Projects to Deck Your Home | Kim Schaefer | HOL-ME1 | 2015 |
Merry Makers: Patchwork Quilts and Projects to Celebrate the Season | Lissa Alexander (compiled), (Moda All-Stars) | HOL-ME2 | 2018 |
101 Stocking Stuffers | Leisure Arts | HOL-ON1 | 1994 |
Paper Piece a Merry Christmas | Jodie Davis | HOL-PA1 | 2000 |
A Quilter's Christmas | Marti Michell | HOL-QU1 | 1993 |
Quick Sew Celebrations | Marjorie Schaefer | HOL-QU2 | 1998 |
Snowflake Follies | Terry Martin | HOL-SN1 | 2003 |
Two Hour Quilted Christmas Projects | Cheri Saffiote | HOL-TW4 | 1997 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Animal Parade 2: Charming Applique Quilts for Babies | Cheri Leffler | KID-AN1 | 2015 |
Baby & Kids Quilts: Best of Fons & Porter | Marianne Fons, Liz Porter | KID-BA2 | 2012 |
The Best Baby Animal Quilts Ever | House of White Birches | KID-BE1 | 2004 |
The Big Book of Baby Quilts | Martingale & Company | KID-BI1 | 2013 |
Child's Play Quilts: Make 20 Stash-Busting Quilts for Kids | Stacey Day | KID-CH2 | 2018 |
Covered with Love | Becky Goldsmith, Linda Jenkins | KID-CO1 | 2006 |
Cute Quilts for Kids | Kristin Roylance | KID-CU2 | 2014 |
Fast Patch Kids Quilts | Anita Hallock, Betsy Heath | KID-FA1 | 1996 |
I'll Teach Myself Sewing Machine Fun | Nancy Smith, Lynda Milligan | KID-IL1 | 1993 |
I'll Teach Myself More Sewing Machine Fun | Nancy Smith, Lynda Milligan | KID-IL2 | 1993 |
In the Nursery | Jennifer Sampou, Carolyn Schmitz | KID-IN1 | 2001 |
Incredible Quilts for Kids of All Ages | Jean Ray Laury | KID-IN2 | 1993 |
Kids Easy Quilting Projects | Terri Thibault | KID-KI3 | 2001 |
Playtime, Naptime, Anytime Quilts | Kim Schaefer | KID-PL2 | 2016 |
Quilts for Girls & Boys | Barbara Roberts | KID-QU1 | 2000 |
Quilting with the Muppets | Jim Henson Company | KID-QU4 | 2000 |
Quilts for Babies & Kids | House of White Birches | KID-QU5 | 2003 |
Quilts for Kids | Carolann Palmer | KID-QU6 | 1993 |
Quick Colorful Quilts for Babies and Toddlers | Rosemary Wilkinson (editor) | KID-QU7 | 2006 |
Sweet & Simple Baby Quilts | Mary Hickey | KID-SW1 | 2003 |
Teddy Bear Redwork | Jan Rapacz | KID-TE1 | 2003 |
TLC Tender Loving Covers | Toni Phillips, Juanita Simonich | KID-TL1 | 1993 |
Traditional Quilts for Kids to Make | Barbara Eikmeier | KID-TR1 | 2001 |
Wonderful Baby Quilts to Make | Pat Richards | KID-WO1 | 2000 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
The Forgiving Quilt | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH1 | 2016 |
For the Love of Quilts | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH2 | 2018 |
Lily Girl's Christmas Quilt | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH3 | 2018 |
Josephine's Guest House Quilt | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH4 | 2016 |
Quilt the Town Christmas | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH5 | 2016 |
Quilted Secrets | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH6 | 2019 |
Everlasting Quilts | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH7 | 2017 |
The Christmas Wish Quilt | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH8 | 2019 |
Church Ladies' Quilts | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH9 | 2017 |
The Quilt Left Behind | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH10 | 2020 |
Quilted Cherries | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH11 | nyd |
Quilted Lilies | Ann Hazelwood | NOV-AH12 | 2022 |
Quilt as Desired | Arlene Sachitano | NOV-AS1 | 2007 |
Quilter's Knot | Arlene Sachitano | NOV-AS2 | 2008 |
A Grand Design | Amber Stockton | NOV-AS3 | 2014 |
Double Wedding Death | Arlene Sachitano | NOV-AS4 | 2017 |
Pieces of the Heart | Bonnie Calhoun | NOV-BC1 | 2013 |
Quilt City Murders | Bruce Leonard | NOV-BL1 | 2022 |
Pattern for Romance | Carla Olson Gade | NOV-CG1 | 2013 |
Lover's Knot | Clare O'Donahue | NOV-CO1 | 2008 |
Lover's Knot | Clare O'Donahue | NOV-CO1b | 2008 |
Drunkard's Path | Clare O'Donahue | NOV-CO2 | 2009 |
The Double Cross | Clare O'Donahue | NOV-CO3 | 2010 |
The Devil's Puzzle | Clare O'Donahue | NOV-CO4 | 2011 |
Patchwork of Lies (Creative Woman mystery series) | Sharon Dunn | NOV-CW1 | 2013 |
Dangerous Threads (Virginia Davies mystery series) | David Ciambrone | NOV-DC1 | 2014 |
The Key in the Attic | DeAnna Dodson | NOV-DD1 | 2012 |
Sew Deadly | Elizabeth Lynn Casey | NOV-EC1 | 2009 |
Heart of a Hero | Ed Ditto, Laura Patrick | NOV-ED1 | 2009 |
Fool's Puzzle | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF1 | 1994 |
Irish Chain | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF2 | 1995 |
Kansas Troubles | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF3 | 1995 |
Goose in the Pond | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF4 | 1997 |
Dove in a Window | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF5 | 1998 |
Mariner's Compass | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF6 | 1999 |
Seven Sisters | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF7 | 2000 |
Arkansas Traveler | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF8 | 2001 |
Steps to the Altar | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF9 | 2002 |
Sunshine & Shadows | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF10 | 2003 |
Broken Dishes | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF11 | 2005 |
Delectable Mountains | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF12 | 2005 |
Tumbling Blocks | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF13 | 2007 |
State Fair | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF14 | 2010 |
Spider Web | Earlene Fowler | NOV-EF15 | 2011 |
A Stitch and a Prayer | Eva Gibson | NOV-EG1 | 2014 |
Wedding Ring | Emilie Richards | NOV-ER1 | 2004 |
Endless Chain | Emilie Richards | NOV-ER2 | 2005 |
Lover's Knot | Emilie Richards | NOV-ER3 | 2006 |
Touching Stars | Emilie Richards | NOV-ER4 | 2007 |
Sister's Choice | Emilie Richards | NOV-ER5 | 2008 |
Masterpiece Marriage | Gina Welborn | NOV-GW1 | 2015 |
Murder, Plain and Simple | Isabella Alan | NOV-IA1 | 2013 |
Leaving Riverton | Jodi Barrows | NOV-JB1 | 2005 |
Liz's Mercantile | Jodi Barrows | NOV-JB2 | 2006 |
Abby's Schoolhouse | Jodi Barrows | NOV-JB3 | 2008 |
The Quilter's Apprentice | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC1 | |
Round Robin | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC2 | |
The Cross Country Quilters | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC3 | |
The Runaway Quiltv | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC4 | |
The Quilter's Legacy | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC5 | |
The Master Quilter | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC6 | |
The Sugar Camp Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC7 | |
The Christmas Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC8 | |
Circle of Quilters | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC9 | |
The Quilter's Homecoming | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC10 | |
The New Year's Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC11 | |
The Winding Ways Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC12 | |
The Quilter's Kitchen | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC13 | |
The Lost Quilter | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC14 | |
A Quilters' Holiday | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC15 | |
The Aloha Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC16 | 2010 |
The Union Quilters | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC17 | 2011 |
Mrs Grant and Madame Jule | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC18 | 2015 |
Sonoma Rose | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC19 | 2012 |
The Wedding Quilt | Jennifer Chiaverini | NOV-JC20 | 2011` |
Path of Freedom | Jennifer Hudson Taylor | NOV-JT1 | 2013 |
Hidden in Plain View, a Secret Story of Quilts | Jacqueline Tobin, Raymond Dobard | NOV-JT2 | 2000 |
How to Make An American Quilt | Whitney Otto | NOV-HO1 | 1991 |
The Alpine Quilt | Mary Daheim | NOV-MD1 | 2005 |
Forget Me Knot | Mary Marks | NOV-MM1 | 2014 |
Gone but Knot Forgotten | Mary Marks | NOV-MM2 | nyd |
Knot My Sister's Keeper | Mary Marks | NOV-MM3 | 2018 |
Knot of This World | Mary Marks | NOV-MM4 | nyd |
Knot on Her Life | Mary Marks | NOV-MM5 | 2019 |
Knot Ready for Murder | Mary Marks | NOV-MM6 | 2021 |
Knot What You Think | Mary Marks | NOV-MM7 | 2017 |
The Rose Quilt | Mark Pasquini | NOV-MP1 | 2018 |
The Sewing Machine | Natalie Fergie | NOV-NF1 | 2019 |
To Scotland with Love | Patience Griffin | NOV-PG1 | 2014 |
Family Patterns | Patchwork Mysteries | NOV-PM1 | nyd |
Time to Share (Patchwork Mystery #2) | Jo Ann Brown | NOV-PM2 | 2010 |
Muslin Mystery (Patchwork Mystery #3) | Vera Dodge | NOV-PM3 | 2010 |
Hidden in the Stars | Robin Carroll | NOV-RC1 | 2014 |
Raw Edges | Sandra Bricker | NOV-SB1 | 2013 |
Persian Pickle Club, The | Sandra Dallas | NOV-SD1 | 1996 |
Alice's Tulips | Sandra Dallas | NOV-SD2 | 2000 |
A Quilt for Christmas | Sandra Dallas | NOV-SD3 | 2014 |
The Quilt Walk | Sandra Dallas | NOV-SD4 | 2012 |
Murders on Elderberry Road | Sally Goldenbaum | NOV-SG1 | 2003 |
The Invention of Wings | Sue Monk Kidd | NOV-SK1 | 2014 |
The Christmas Quilt | Thomas Davis | NOV-TD1 | nyd |
That Dorky Homemade Book | Lisa Boyer | NOV-TH1 | 2002 |
Threads of Encouragement | Guideposts | NOV-TH2 | 2012 |
Wild Goose Chase | Terri Thayer | NOV-TT1 | 2008 |
Old Maid's Puzzle | Terri Thayer | NOV-TT2 | 2008 |
Ocean Waves | Terri Thayer | NOV-TT3 | 2009 |
Monkey Wrench | Terri Thayer | NOV-TT4 | 2012 |
The Half Stitched Amish Quilting Club | Wanda Brunstetter | NOV-WB1 | nyd |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Encyclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns | Patricia Welens (editor) | PAT-EN1 | 2001 |
Block Party: A Quilter's Extravaganza of 120 Rotary-Cut Block Patterns | Marsha McCloskey | PAT-MA1 | 1998 |
101 Full-Size Quilt Blocks and Borders | Better Homes & Gardens | PAT-ON1 | 1998 |
101 Fabulous Rotary-Cut Quilts | Judy Hopkins, Nancy Martin | PAT-ON2 | 1998 |
Quilter's Recipe Book | Celia Eddy | PAT-QU1 | 2005 |
The Quilt Block Cookbook | Amy Gibson | PAT-QU3 | 2016 |
Scrapbook of Patterns from the Indianapolis Star | unknown | PAT-SC1 | unk |
Teach Yourself Blocks from the Past | Marie Henry | PAT-TE1 | 2001 |
Title | Author(s) | Shelving | Year |
Art Quilt Workshop | Jane Davila, Elin Waterston | REF-AR1 | 2007 |
Basic Guide to Dyeing & Painting Fabric | Cindy Walter, Jennifer Priestley | REF-BA1 | 2002 |
Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion Quilting | Natalia Bonner | REF-BE2 | 2012 |
Blending Photos with Fabric | Mary Ellen Kranz, Cheryl Hayes | REF-BL1 | 2004 |
Candlewicking & Beyond | Gary Clarke | REF-CA1 | 1998 |
Collector's Dictionary of Quilt Names & Patterns | Yvonne Khin | REF-CO1 | 1988 |
Coloring With Thread | Ann Fahl | REF-CO2 | 2005 |
Connecting Design to Stitch | Sandra Meech | REF-CO4 | 2012 |
Create Your Perfect Quilting Space | Lois Hallock | REF-CR2 | 2005 |
Design Your Own Quilts | Judy Hopkins | REF-DE5 | 1998 |
Drafting for the Creative Quilter | Sally Collins | REF-DR1 | 2010 |
Dream Sewing Spaces | Lynette Black | REF-DR2 | 1996 |
Exploring Textile Arts | Editors of Creative Publishing Intl | REF-EX1 | 2002 |
Fabric Art Workshop | Susan Stein | REF-FA1 | 2007 |
Fast, Fun & Easy Fabric Dyeing | Lynn Koolish | REF-FA3 | 2008 |
Fast and Fun Machine Quilting | Rodale | REF-FA5 | 1997 |
Fabric Dyeing for Beginners | Vimala McClure | REF-FA6 | 2003 |
Fabric to Dye For | Frieda Anderson | REF-FA7 | 2010 |
501 Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting | Quiltmaker Magazine Editors | REF-FI3 | 2011 |
A Fine Line: Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilting Design | Melody Crust, Heather Waldron Tewell | REF-FI4 | 2002 |
Flawless Hand Quilting | Rodale | REF-FL1 | 1999 |
Foolproof Walking-Foot Quilting Designs | Mary Mashuta | REF-FO2 | 2015 |
Free-Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 | Lori Kennedy | REF-FR1 | 2017 |
Free-Motion Meandering: A Beginner's Guide to Machine Quilting | Angela Walters | REF-FR2 | 2017 |
Free-Motion Machine Quilting | Don Linn | REF-FR3 | 2011 |
Free-Motion Mastery in a Month | RaNae Merrill | REF-FR4 | 2016 |
Get Addicted to Free-Motion Quilting | Sheila Sinclair Snyder | REF-GE1 | 2013 |
Hand Quilting with Alex Anderson | Alex Anderson | REF-HA1 | 1998 |
Heirloom Machine Quilting [4th ed.] | Harriet Hargrave | REF-HE1 | 2004 |
How to Improve Your Quilting Stitch | Ami Simms | REF-HO2 | 1987 |
How to Run a Quilt Show | Dora Scheidecker, Teresa Matteson | REF-HO3 | 1988 |
Imagery on Fabric | Jean Laury | REF-IM1 | 1997 |
Machine Embroidery | Valerie Campbell-Harding | REF-MA1 | 1997 |
Machine-Quilting Idea Book | Vicki Ruebel | REF-MA2 | 2019 |
Machine Quilting Primer | Cynthia Martin | REF-MA3 | 1996 |
Machine Quilting Solutions | Christine Maraccini | REF-MA4 | 2007 |
Machine Quilting With Decorative Threads | Maurine Noble, Elizabeth Hendricks | REF-MA5 | 1994 |
Machine Quilting for Beginners | Carolyn Vagts | REF-MA6 | 2017 |
Marvelous Miters | Susan Cleveland | REF-MA7 | 2009 |
Mastering the Art of Longarm Quilting | Gina Perkes | REF-MA9 | 2012 |
Machine Embroidery and More | Kristen Dibbs | REF-MA10 | 2001 |
Machine Freehand Patterns | Nan Moore | REF-MA11 | 2009 |
Measure the Possibilities with Omnigrid | Nancy Johnson-Srebro | REF-ME1 | 1999 |
More Free-Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3 | Lori Kennedy | REF-MO1 | 2018 |
Nature of Design | Joan Colvin | REF-NA1 | 1996 |
New Quilting by Machine | Singer | REF-NE1 | 1999 |
Off-the-Shelf Fabric Painting | Sue Beevers | REF-OF1 | 2004 |
One Line at a Time, Encore | Charlotte Warr Andersen | REF-ON1 | 2011 |
Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter | Carolyn Woods | REF-OR1 | 2011 |
Paint a Quilt Patterns | Marie Sturmer | REF-PA1 | 2007 |
Patterns from Paradise: The Art of Tahitian Quilting | Vickie Poggioli | REF-PA3 | 1988 |
Perfect Piecing | Rodale | REF-PE1 | 1997 |
The Photo Transfer Handbook | Jean Ray Laury | REF-PH2 | 1999 |
Point, Click, Quilt! Turn Your Photos into Fabulous Fabric Art | Susan Brubaker Knapp | REF-PO1 | 2011 |
Portraits for Fabric Lovers | Marilyn Belford | REF-PO2 | 2005 |
Portrait Quilts: Painted Faces You Can Do | Bonnie Lyn McCaffery | REF-PO3 | 2005 |
Quilt as Desired | Charlene Frable | REF-QU2 | 2007 |
Quilted Animals | Marta Amundson | REF-QU4 | 2002 |
Quilter's Academy Vol 1 | Harriett Hargrave, Carrie Hargrave | REF-QU5 | 2009 |
Quilter's Academy Vol 2 | Harriett Hargrave, Carrie Hargrave | REF-QU6 | 2009 |
Quilter's Academy Vol 3 | Harriett Hargrave, Carrie Hargrave | REF-QU7 | 2011 |
Quilter's Album of Patchwork Patterns | Jinny Beyer | REF-QU8 | 2009 |
Quilting Designs From Grandma's Attic | Elizabeth Chandler, Joanne Donahue | REF-QU13 | 1994 |
Quilting the Quilt | Fons & Porter | REF-QU14 | 2010 |
Quilter's Complete Guide | Marianne Fons, Liz Porter | REF-QU17 | 1993 |
Quilting by Design: 155 Free-Motion Designs in 10 Elegant Suites | Jessica Schick | REF-QU20 | 2015 |
Quilt It! Quilting Ideas and Inspirations for Patchwork and Applique | Barbara Chainey | REF-QU21 | 2001 |
Quilting for Hire | Shelly Pagliai | REF-QU23 | 2022 |
Rulerwork Quilting Idea Book | Amanda Murphy | REF-RU1 | 2018 |
Sewing Machine Attachment Handbook | Charlene Phillips | REF-SE1 | 2009 |
Shape by Shape, Collection 2: Free-Motion Quilting | Angela Walters | REF-SH3 | 2016 |
60 Machine Quilting Patterns | Pat Holly, Sue Nickels | REF-SI1 | 1994 |
Teach Me to Machine Quilt | Pat Sloan | REF-TE2 | 2016 |
3 Dimensional Design | Katie Pasquini | REF-TH1 | 1988 |
Thread Painting with Style | Nancy Prince | REF-TH3 | 2011 |
Thread Stories | Jennifer Day | REF-TH4 | 2015 |
Thread Magic Garden | Ellen Anne Eddy | REF-TH5 | 2012 |
Thread Magic | Ellen Anne Eddy | REF-TH6 | 1997 |
Traditional Quilts | Debra Wagner | REF-TR1 | 1997 |
Transforming Fabric | Carolyn Dahl | REF-TR2 | 2004 |
200 Quilting Tips: Techniques & Trade Secrets | Susan Briscoe | REF-TW1 | 2009 |
Ultimate Book of Quilt Labels | Margo Clabo | REF-UL1 | 1998 |
Ultimate Guide to Longarm Machine Quilting | Linda Taylor | REF-UL2 | 2002 |
The Ultimate Guide to Rulerwork Quilting | Amanda Murphy | REF-UL3 | 2020 |
White Work: Techniques & 188 Designs | Carter Houck (editor) | REF-WH1 | unk |